Future-Proof MDM Solutions

Automated, dynamic device management for Android and iOS. Everything you need to address modern challenges for modern device fleets. Welcome to the next generation of MDM software.

A Smarter Approach to Device Management

Businesses rely on purpose-driven devices like never before — we’re talking about always-on tablets, smartphones, kiosks, point of sale systems, and more that businesses simply can’t function without.

The problem is that they also have to manage those devices. Maybe you have to manage those devices.

Until now, there wasn’t a simple, straightforward, and reliable way to do that. Esper is the answer to that problem — it’s the seamless MDM solution that you’ve always dreamed of to put all your devices (Android and iOS) in a single place for streamlined management.

Esper device management console
Esper device management console devices screen

Enterprise-Grade MDM Software for Enterprise-Grade Hardware

Esper’s device management platform doesn’t look at business-critical hardware as an afterthought — it’s the foundation on which our company was built. We know you can’t manage enterprise hardware the same way you handle employee-owned or personally-enabled devices, so we reimagined what mobile device management software should look like.

Whether you’re using Android, iOS, or a mixed device fleet with both, we have all the enterprise capabilities you need — all from a single pane of glass.

Scalable MDM Solutions for Fast Moving Organizations

Your MDM shouldn’t hold you back, so we built one that does the opposite. With scalable device management tools, managing 100,000 devices becomes as simple as managing 100. Our flexible provisioning options, on-the-fly device configuration changes, and drift management tools are just the start of how you can streamline your device fleet.

Esper device management console Blueprints manager screen
Esper device management console devices & groups screen

Everything You Need in One Place

Managing a fleet of devices is challenging enough on its own, and having to jump between interfaces to do routine tasks in most MDM software makes it even more cumbersome. When you can manage your entire device fleet from a single pane of glass, though? Checking device status becomes lightning fast. Getting a bird’s eye view of your entire fleet is as simple as clicking a link. Quickly pinpointing hardware that’s out of compliance is more than easy – it’s automated.

That’s the good stuff. Streamline your management tools, optimize your entire fleet. Maybe take an extra coffee break. We won’t tell.

Efficiency to the Edge and Beyond

When security is paramount, app delivery is make-or-break, and efficiency is your top priority, you need next-gen tooling. But here’s the best part: our advanced MDM solutions keep it as simple as you need it or as complex as you want it. Whether you want powerful point-and-click options in the console or robust API integration (or both), you’re in the driver’s seat.

This approach to mobile device management is more than just a fancy way of saying we do things differently. It’s a methodology that takes inspiration from modern software development and pushes it beyond software — all the way to the edge.

Managing devices via API as well as the Esper console
This is what device management at scale really looks like. It introduces a level of efficiency for Android and iOS devices like you’ve never experienced before. It’s the secret weapon you’ll love talking about.
SF 49ers logo
Xenial logo
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Intuitive console graphic

Intuitive console

Have you ever used software that made you feel like you needed a PhD? That’s not what we’re about here. Our console is easy to use but doesn’t skimp on power.
Scalable device configuration graphic

Scalable device configuration

Need to flip a device on the fly for another purpose? Easy peasy. Implement, modify, and update configurations with a few clicks. Any device, any time — no reboot required.
Flexible provisioning graphic

Flexible provisioning

Accelerate device provisioning by reducing setup time from an hour or more to mere minutes.
Robust compliance enforcement graphic

Robust compliance enforcement

Your company’s security policy is our company’s security policy. Set policies, enforce them, and have the confidence they’ll stick. Always.
Remote diagnostics and debugging graphic

Remote diagnostics and debugging*

Monitor performance, detect issues before they become problems, and remotely fix anything that comes your way. We hope you have a comfy chair.
*Android only, Remote Viewer available for iOS
Advanced drift management graphic

Advanced drift management

You set your devices up how you want them to look and work. We think they should stay that way. Let us babysit them so you don’t have to — don’t worry, we won’t tell.

What Our Customers Say

G2 logo

The best thing about Esper by far was how easy it was to begin using. In under 2 hours I had found Esper, signed up, read the docs, had our first templates made and devices provisioned.

Quotation marks
Esper User, G2
G2 logo

Esper plays well with a plethora of devices, a feature that stands it in good stead especially in diverse device environments. Whether it was an Android tablet, a smartphone, or even a non-standard device, Esper seamlessly adapted, demonstrating an admirable level of versatility that is indeed a testament to its robust architecture.

Quotation marks
Esper User, G2
G2 logo

Been using several MDM softwares, did a test of all the products available in the market. Benchmarks were user friendly, latest programming coding/language and database, reliability, server response timings, and they did the best of the entire lot.

Quotation marks
Esper User, G2

Device Management That Scales with You

The features you need — now and in the future. We grow with you.
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Esper Genesis logo


The evolution of MDM software. Esper Genesis is a new way to look at MDM, with intelligent features to simplify device management and policy implementation.
Esper Bridge logo


Device management, supercharged. Esper Bridge is your pathway to a robust, scalable, modern device fleet with powerful tools for business-critical hardware.
Esper Architect logo


Break new ground with modern, cloud-native, DevOps-centric management tools like granular app deployment, precise geofencing, and advanced APIs.
Esper Powers Exceptional Device Experiences
When the status quo simply isn’t good enough, and you’re ready to make your devices work for you, we’re here. Sign up for a demo today to see what Esper's MDM software can do for you.

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